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Monthly Archives: October 2008

Well here is my first post. I have always wanted to get into blogging. I have been a podcaster in the past and thoroughly enjoyed it. My podcast was It was a podcast that I did with my brother-in-law. He is a die hard Yankee fan and I love the Red Sox, but more importantly, we are baseball fans. The podcast was fun and we did stay on topic for the most part. There was some frequent banter (much of it was not kid safe) and had heard that some liked that part more than the actually baseball stuff.

But alas, it had podfaded due to many reason, the most important of which was a lack of time. It was a chore for us to get together each week, having the set up the equipment each week took too long, and the editing of the audiofiles though fun also took to long. This caused the posts to fall later and later in the week until it eventually felt unworthy. We may pick it up again in the future, perhaps using Skype or the like to handle the meetings and maybe posting the the raw files with the exception of blatant errors.

In any case, I did enjoy getting the message “out there”. I have always been interested in blogging but never took the effort (what little it may actually be) to get started. Well, here it is. My first post of I hope many. I plan on moving this to my own domain name eventually and look forward to this.

If anyone reads this and has any comments, please let me know. I would love to hear from you.